Robbert, ROHU arts, The Netherlands, Origami designer, juggler and scientist.
From the patterns noticeable in everyday life to the invisible lines in objects around us, patterns have inspired me for as long as I can remember. Whether it is the subtle lines in dance or the patterns that form an origami piece, I see these patterns everywhere and use this to inspire my art from origami to juggling and dance.
Origami has been a long time passion of mine – I can still remember the vacations where my sister and I had two origami books written in Japanese which we tried to decipher a language we could not read and diagrams we could not yet understand. What started off as something small gradually developed into something of greater complexity and eventually I started designing my own models in 2013.
As a juggler, I focus mostly on object manipulation where I follow geometrical shapes to make new patterns and create illusions. Using balls and hoops in combination with dance movements, I attempt to breathe life into these inanimate objects by moving them through the invisible grid in our three-dimensional space.
Combining my interests in origami and performing, I have more recently started to fold giant versions of my origami designs at exhibitions or art events with the objective of providing the audience a closer look at and sharing the creation of an origami model from a single uncut piece of paper.
I hope you will enjoy my website. Thank you for visiting.